Home Again: Trump 2.0 at 30 Days
Politics Milan Dubravcic Politics Milan Dubravcic

Home Again: Trump 2.0 at 30 Days

As talk show host Michael Berry said in a recent broadcast “These are the good old days!”  We are living through the best of times; every day is better than the next.  Those of us still alive in 20 or 30 years will remember these moments, this conservative honeymoon of hope and change, as the time when it all began.  With the attar of affection and slightly puffed chests, we are going to speak of these last 30 days as the beginning of the good old days, reveling in the fact that we experienced them as they unfolded.

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Trump’s Second First Term
Politics Milan Dubravcic Politics Milan Dubravcic

Trump’s Second First Term

The mere fact that President Trump was re-elected to the Presidency of the United States puts him among the elite of American Presidents.  Just 15 of our 47 Presidents have managed a second term.  Two, including Trump, have had interrupted terms, meaning that only one third of Presidents have made it to a second term.  Of these two-term Presidents, most are typically remembered for the events that happened during their first term.  

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Vice-Presidential Pool
Politics Gary Graham Politics Gary Graham

Vice-Presidential Pool

In selecting from the pool of Vice-Presidential candidates, a Presidential candidate’s choice has some interesting similarities to the actual game of pool itself, especially at the beginning of the game. Right after the “break” a player chooses the next shot. In a typical round, there are a lot of questionable next shots, perhaps one or two good ones, and, almost certainly, some that are more problematic.

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