Stop the Steal Rally Garners Disappointing Responses
Gary Graham Gary Graham

Stop the Steal Rally Garners Disappointing Responses

South Carolinians turned out on Saturday at the SC state capital in Columbia as part of a Stop the Steal Rally. Their aim was to demonstrate support for President Trump and demand integrity in our electoral system. The grass-roots event was partially organized by an organization called Engage the Right, that seeks to facilitate conservative involvement at all levels of the political process.

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Politics Milan Dubravcic Politics Milan Dubravcic


Hillary Clinton is the gift that keeps on giving and just like a disliked white elephant gift, she refuses to go away. She was back in the news the other day, making more outlandish comments. In an October 5th, CNN interview, Clinton claimed Trump supporters are part of a MAGA cult and should be deprogrammed, stating “that at some point…

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Redefining The Swamp
Politics Milan Dubravcic Politics Milan Dubravcic

Redefining The Swamp

President Trump has often talked about draining the swamp in reference to extricating Washington of its slimy life forms: career politicians, bureaucrats and entrenched special interests. The symbolism here is obvious, let the water out of the swamp and all of its slithering denizens will disappear.

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