Rush The Man
Dear Rush:
This note is long overdue. Most importantly you are in my prayers for healing and God’s mercy. For 31 years you have been a wise older brother bringing me joy, comfort and hope on a daily basis. Every day I organize my schedule so as to maximize the time that I can tune into the Rush Limbaugh Program. I remain in awe of how you can consistently dissect current events in real time and offer insights and wisdom that lay bare the truths, hypocrisies and motives behind the events.
Rush, if there is one pattern that I see in man’s continuing struggle for freedom, it is that throughout history God has raised up one man from the ranks of obscurity at just the proper time. This man has always had a uniquely blended set of skills, mostly forged in adversity, that were exactly those needed to stand against the raging current of the times. Ultimately, the emergence of this man not only reverses the fortunes of a forlorn and desperate people, but it also forever changes the way things are done.
Without lapsing into messianic overtones, I call this type of figure the Transformational Man. Abraham, Moses and David, are biblical prototypes of such men who saved the nation of Israel against all odds. Washington, Lincoln and Churchill are more contemporary versions of the same. Today, while I would be tempted to include Presidents Reagan and Trump, I would say that you stand on the gold medal platform even above them. Rush, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a sycophant but, your voice of sanity and clarity, even as a non- politician, has restructured the political landscape and has changed the tide of our national affairs. Your ability to insightfully expose political events, boil complex events down to simple truths and to assess cultural trends with a keen understanding of human nature have provided the voice of reason to the nation. What’s more you have given voice to 50 to 100 million people in the United States (and who knows how many more around the world). Presidents come and go, however, your voice has been the one reliable, consistent and clear beacon for us to follow in the relentless negative current of radical leftism and cultural decay. I truly believe that you have singlehandedly changed the trajectory of American society towards freedom and hope. Rush, this has made you the Transformational Man for our time.
On a personal preference note, I’d like to reach back roughly 20 years to my still favorite caller of all time on the Rush Limbaugh Program. His name was Mick. He lived somewhere out West and had a homespun dry sense of humor. I believe he called in twice over a several month period. I don’t think anyone has made you laugh harder and longer to the point that he almost left you speechless when he turned the phrase, “Well then sexual penetration upon him and the horse he rode in on.” The segments were hysterically funny to say the least and I just enjoyed listening to you two go back and forth. I’m not sure it’s ever been matched since and I have fondly recalled those two calls many times over the years.
God bless you, my friend.
Milan Dubravcic