Some random thoughts about me…
I am outgoing and gregarious although I value my personal time. I’m educated, adventurous, and a world traveler. My parents escaped communism after WWII and we journeyed through Australia and Canada before coming to the US. This has molded much of who I am today and why I love this country so much. It also probably made me a bit of a late bloomer in life, but the good news is, I’ve bloomed!
I enjoy the outdoors and spend time subduing nature (i.e., landscaping), hunting, working out several times a week, and at the beach. The most important thing to me is my relationship with God and I have a passion to enjoy the life He has given us. Next comes my extended family, I have 6 nieces and nephews and enjoy them very much, well most of them. I have also spent time in the mission field, in Eastern Europe and Bosnia, and in the business world. For the past 11 years, I have been co-owner of a pallet business and, as such, am pretty much my own boss.
I studied engineering and business at UCLA and have worked for Deloitte & Touche, Progressive, several start-up’s and most importantly, Atlantic Pallet Exchange.